
The time that it takes for your computer to load or boot up completely depends on several factors. This is not to say that your computer must take some time for it to boot. These factors are of both hardware and software nature. However, a properly configured computer should take 'normal' time for it to boot up or load completely. If your computer is taking too long to boot up, then there are some issues that need to be fixed. This article will examine some steps that you would need to take on how to speed up Windows 7 Quick Boot Apk up time. It is important to note that booting is a computer jargon that refers to the process taken by the computer to start up completely or to load itself to a point where it is ready to be used.

One of the most important elements in the boot process of all windows is the basic input/output system or otherwise known as BIOS. These are the instructions and specific commands aimed at enabling the computer to assess and communicate with any connected hardware. The BIOS will tell the computer which devices are connected to it and let it be in a communication mode with them. The right configuration of the BIOS setup would result to reduced boot up time for windows 7 and shorten the time it takes for the computer to start up. However, the BIOS setup is a very advanced technical activity that would require an experienced individual to perform successfully. Any slight mistake will render your computer completely unbootable, thereby bringing more problems. You should also be in a position to bring up the BIOS screen by following the manufacturer's manual and a combination of keystrokes. Make sure that you have started from the computer being completely off. Once you get to the BIOS screen, then you should enable the quick boot mode, change the boot priority to the hard drive and exit after saving the changes that you have made. This will considerably speed up boot time for your Windows 7.

The other important tool for speeding up boot process of your Windows 7 is by using the configuration utility. You can change the way your computer starts by enabling or disabling start up processes. By running the MSCONFIG command, the system utility will give you the options for a configured boot process other than the normal one. You can disable the unnecessary services.

    boot quick windows 7 speed up

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